If you have been living under a rock for the past few months than you probably haven't heard of the wiiu. basically its nintendos answer to the xbox and playstation becuase of the slow spiral of the wii's sales. of this sounds familiar thats because it is, in 1998 sega released the SEGA DREAMCAST to boost sales after the faliur of the saturn. unfortunatley the dreamcast did not do to well just because it had to fight in two console generations and the consoles made after the dreamcast were more advanced and left it in the dust. of course it is far less likely that this will happen to nintendo as they are not as far in debt as sega was at the time, they already have plenty of support by third party developers and promise innovation with the tablet controller but there are still plenty of variables. one problem is that nintendo is making a next gen console way before anyone else, this might be an advantage of sales but sales are only produced by plublicity and so far there is still quite a few people who have never heard of the wii u. however if nintendo pulls something soon the wii u might be as popular as the wii. (end of part 1)